The aim of the club is to promote, restore and have an interest in Historic Vehicles

Members, change to Electronic Newsletter and get it a week earlier and in Colour.
Rules and conditions of the club before applying for membership
Requirements for Membership
The 45/90 days Club Permit Scheme was introduced on February the 1st, 2011. It provides many benefits for owners of vehicles produced over 25 years ago.
Vehicles must be a minimum of 25 years old and un-modified. Some allowance is made for practical and safe minor modifications. This club cannot issue SP plates for modified vehicles. New member’s vehicles already on red plates can be transferred immediately over to the CHVC register. Changes of vehicle ownership and/or change of registration (e.g. from full registration to club registration) requires a current roadworthy certificate. The club can guide members through the club registration process.
New Membership Application Process:
Prospective applicants must be directed to the committee. They will need to fill out our membership application form (but not provide any money with the application). On receipt of the application form the committee will review the application and notify the applicant when a decision is made.
New members can follow the registration process ( to register their vehicles upon joining.
Following the approval of the committee, the member will be asked to pay a full current year if they join between April 30 and January 31, and a full future year membership if they join in the remainder of the year. In addition, there will be a $65 joining fee and an annual subscription fee, which is currently $35. The club will formally welcome new members through the newsletter. Prospective members interested in joining the club, can click the link below and download the application form, fill it in and bring it to a club meeting.
The CHVC club requirements to qualify for the club to sign off on the annual Club Permit Scheme renewal forms of that registration are …….To attend a minimum of three general meetings and two club runs/events.The application of this requirement is at the discretion of the committee.